The Sweet Sound of Tuned Pianos!
Updated On: Oct 01, 2022

Juan Young Trust and Lynne Detrick Memorial Instrument Fund finances piano tuning for 13 pianos at 8 schools!

MAP is pleased to announce that through the generous support of the Juan Young Trust and Lynne Detrick Memorial Instrument Fund, we were able to approve the tunings of 13 pianos at 8 schools in the district. 
The Juan Young Trust provided MAP with a $1,000 grant to tune pianos in the district. The demand from the schools was so great that we exceeded the amount of the grant. Fortunately, the Lynne Detrick Memorial Instrument Fund Board agreed to make up the balance.

About the Juan Young Trust and the Lynne Detrick Memorial Instrument Fund:
The Juan Young Trust was established under the will of Juan Young and began funding grants in February of 2000. Grants are awarded to 501(c)(3) organizations based in Oregon. No grants are made outside Oregon. Grants are funded for projects and activities to enhance the health, education and welfare of children under the age of 21.

The Lynne Detrick Memorial Instrument Fund was established in honor of Lynne Detrick who was a founding member of the West Linn-Wilsonville Music and Arts Partners. The LDMIF fund was created in the winter of 2017, following the passing of Lynne in December 2016.The fund helps teachers purchase, repair and replace instruments for their programs.

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Contact Info
Music & Arts Partners
PO Box 532
West Linn, OR 97068

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